“To each his talent: the various forms of Communication”.
Day dedicated to Inclusion at villa San Cataldo
Saturday, April 6, 2024
The sports club SporT21 Bagheria with the collaboration of Giulia Sparacino, Pedagogist and ABA Behavior Analyst in training, sponsored by the City of Bagheria, under the project: “Inclusion that runs fast” will open the doors of Villa San Cataldo, on April 6, 2024 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., for a day dedicated to Inclusion “To each his talent: the various forms of Communication”.
This is intended to ensure that children, teens and adults, along with their families can participate in an afternoon where everyone can highlight their abilities. There will be many associations present that will help implement different activities and show the importance of teamwork, all together makes everything special. Everyone with their talents can make a difference.
Participants will include: AILA, Associazione Italiana Lotta Agli Abusi, with the provincial territorial referents of Palermo: Sanfilippo Giovanna and Ficano Michele, KIWANIS, with territorial referent Gaetano Martorana, Self-taught artist Leonardo Gabriele who will exhibit his artistic works, Self-taught musician Vincenzo Avanzato with the collaboration of Cristina Corrao, Asacom in training who will reproduce songs in LIS, Association Pro-H Vivere Vivere Insieme Onlus, AISF ODV, with patient liaison BA-PA section Romana Franzone, Educational Facility Assistants and Childhood Services Animator led by Francined Angela Russo and Valeria Li Vigni, Rosaria Calatabiano, ABA Behavior Technician.
Special thanks for the material provided and the realization of the day: META Gaming Pub , Shape Up to females ASD, Il Chiosco F.ll Sardina, Cooperativa Solletico, Ballon, Piccole creazioni, Cristina D’Assaro, Photography, L’angolo dell’ABC, Eurofom Bagheria, Le Cuocarine.