N’Farinati Modern Pizza
Address: Via Palmiro Togliatti n. 8 – 90011 – Bagheria (PA)
Phone: 091 84 32 784
Cell phone: 379 185 2873
Email: nfarinatimodernpizza@gmail.com
Website: https://tinyurl.com/nfarinati
Instagram: @NFarinati_modern_pizza
Facebook: @NFarinatimodernpizza
Closing: Monday
Tuesday through Sunday 17:00 – 22:30
We were born in 2020 from an idea of Francesco Lo Galbo aka Franky, founder and creator of N’Farinati Modern Pizza.
After living in the United States of America for 20 years, Franky returned to Italy to continue his work experience in his home country, bringing with him typical American tastes and dishes.
At N’Farinati Modern Pizza you can enjoy a myriad of dishes, we offer a vast menu: appetizers, sandwiches, burgers, wraps, Tex mex and of course the pizzas…our flagship!
Over the years, thanks to careful research of raw materials combined with a passion for his work, pizza has become Francesco’s true passion.
Our menu boasts more than 70 pizzas, from the classic 4 flavors to pizzas with more original flavors such as the tasty fried chicken pizzas.
The quality and efficient service, which we immediately displayed, allowed us to immediately inspire confidence in our customers who daily visit us to enjoy our specialties.
Today we are a healthy business that works for good. Francis’ motto is – Quality always pays off!