“A free-flow, pedal-assisted Bike Sharing Service is active in the territory of the city of Bagheria.”

Among the institutional aims of the City of Bagheria is the promotion and development of eco-sustainable mobility, also achieved through the local bike sharing service, which is able to facilitate movement along city routes; this benefits not only residents, but also visitors and tourists who wish to learn about our historical and architectural heritage and the natural and scenic resources in the area.
The service is run by the BEP Social Cooperative, which focuses on sustainable mobility.
The backing sharing system used is one of the most widespread throughout Sicily managed by tmr which is a technical partner of Coop. Bep.
For the ‘management activity is used the App youMove downloadable for android and IOS from playstore App store.

Bike parking stations are open daily including holidays, Saturdays and Sundays
from 07:00 until 19:00 hours.

Bikes then can be unhitched until 7:00 p.m., but on call it is possible to postpone the time, while there will be no time limit to hang them up at the parking stations open at Villa Butera, Ugdulena Palace, Bagheria Station and Aspra, a seaside resort.
If all the stalls are occupied it will be possible to call 370.1576661, available 24 hours a day for any information.

The City of Bagheria has provided 4 electric vehicles for those with reduced mobility.

In order to take advantage of the disabled scooter, one must always call 370.1576661 and the vehicle will be brought to the station and at the requested time. If the vehicle is not available, the Cooperative offers to be able to accompany the user by having the means available.


For any other information and for any rescue and help needs while using the service
contact 370.1576661